Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Tips to Prevent Heartburn During Pregnancy

Pregnant women can also develop ulcer disease. This is because in the first trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers tend to be no appetite, because of nausea and vomiting due to the effect that increases stomach acid and make a lazy meal. As a result, often an empty stomach, whereas gastric acid production continued. This is exacerbated by the habits of expectant mothers yangmenyukai a super salad and pickled spicy and sour. So that is increasingly becoming poduksi stomach acid. This time okbangetz will share tips for unavoidable from Maag
* Reduce the spicy food, acid, containing carbon dioxide gas, fatty, greasy, such as: chili, mango young, soto bersantan (let alone the contents innards), soft drinks.
* Avoid an empty stomach.
* Arrange a schedule with the pattern of eating small portions more frequently and frequency.
* Balance the food consumption of acid by eating carbohydrates before (rice or bread). Because karbohidarat work to neutralize stomach acid.
* Chew food properly.
* Consult your doctor ulcer drugs are about to be eaten to be awarded the right. Do not drink ulcer drugs carelessly.
* Avoid stress, because stress causes hormonal changes in the body that stimulates stomach cells to produce excess acid.
* Avoid lying down after meals, because lying down with a full stomach pressing a valve between the stomach to the throat. This enables easy turning of stomach acid into the esophagus.
* Saar lying, your head higher than feet, to prevent stomach acid up into the esophagus and reducing heatburn (one of the symptoms of ulcer).
* Wear loose clothing to avoid pressure on the abdomen.
* On the day of H or childbirth, ulcer attack could come again. If there is and you give birth normally, while waiting for the opening lengap, stay and eat and drink in between contractions to the stomach is not empty. For an empty stomach to stimulate the excessive production of stomach acid.
* If a cesarean delivery, submit pad adokter that you have a history of stomach ulcers. Caesarean section, can trigger stress that trigger gastric acid production excessive, and ultimately increase post operative pain, especially before you pass gas. To prevent this, doctors can prescribe certain drugs.

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