Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

First Aid at Babies Fainting

Finding your child is unconscious of course anyone would be afraid. When trying to deal with the fear of whack control and try to do first aid before medical personnel arrived. But one thing to remember when giving first aid to the little guy. In contrast to the adult body baby's body is still very vulnerable. If the rescue in adults usually use both hands then to the baby, just use two fingers.
Steps to provide first aid:

  1. Put the baby in a safe place of danger. Do not place on the mattress, but put in place a flat.
  2. Check the baby's response to determine the baby's consciousness. Tickle or rub your palms and feet.
  3. To help open the respiratory tract of the baby, simply by pulling a little baby's forehead to the back without having to pull his chin.
  4. Give artificial respiration twice enough puff. cover nose and mouth of a baby with his mouth because of the distance between mouth and nose when the baby was still close.
  5. Give pressure. Just use two fingers and placed in the position of one finger below the nipple line while applying pressure. Given enough pressure one third of the depth of the chest and carried 30 times. Perform artificial breathing twice and 30 times the pressure (2:30) is repeated as many as 5 sets or for 2 minutes. After that double check whether the baby was breathing again or not by checking the breathing path. If you have normal breathing then put in recovery position, which is carrying a baby with a straight horizontal or tilted position on a flat place.
Do not forget to call the paramedics or take the child immediately to hospital for further examination.

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