Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Tips Overcome the Pain Fatigue During Pregnancy

tired during pregnancy


If normally you can do so many activities in one day, but now only a few activities during pregnancy you have fatigue? It usually happens. In addition because of the increased hormones, morning sickness, kekahawatiran about your pregnancy can also cause you more easily tired. To fix, try the following tips to make it more comfortable to undergo pregnancy:)

*  Regular exercise
    Choose a sport that safely performed during pregnancy. If necessary consult a doctor   
    first. Exercise will help smooth the flow of blood.

*  If you are still working while pregnant, try to arrange work schedules to fit the rhythm  
    of the rest of your body.

*  Add your calorie intake by eating healthy and nutritious food. Your body needs
    calories is 300-600 kcal per day.

*  Each time you feel the need to rest, immediately stop all activity and rest immediately.

*  Wear clothing and comfortable footwear.

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