Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Keep the Pregnancy With the Benefits of Watermelon



Watermelon-punch Yups .... for women who were undergoing pregnancy, certainly no stranger to the term "morning sicknes. the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, aches, fatigue and breast feel tight and sore. turned out to be a little watermelon mengkgurangi sicknes morning symptoms that sometimes seem so annoying. besides watermelon are also many benefits to maintaining the health of pregnant women of low ... yuk Kulik full benefits of watermelon.
benefits of watermelon fruit during pregnancy:
* Relieves burning sensation in stomach
* Reduces feelings of nausea
* As an addition to bodily fluids
* Prevention of muscle cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy
* Reduce the risk of preeclampsia by 50%
* Assist development of the brain, eyesight, muscle, and immune system in fetuses
so ... do not hesitate to let watermelon consumption growing body fit while pregnant. let ga bored, can dikreasikan according to taste, for example juice or desserts. yes ... tried meth.

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