Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

First Aid if Your Child Seizures

If your child high fever sometimes accompanied by the occurrence of seizures. Moreover, if previously he had experienced seizures because it usually will happen again. Symptoms arising from the seizure is usually a body like a jolt and began stiffly, turning his eyes, drooling until the child could also lose consciousness. If seizures occur not too long is generally not dangerous. However, if seizures occur repeatedly and lasts a long time could be an indication of a serious illness. If your child had seizures due to high fever, first aid can do is Mother:

*   Loosen clothing worn baby so as not to experience shortness of breath.
*   Keep children from dangerous objects.
*   Put your baby in a safe position, such as the floor or mattress.
*   Tilt the child's head position so he would not choke and facilitate saliva that normally come out.
*   Do not insert anything into the mouth, including drugs when his baby seizures.
*   Brought to the hospital immediately if your child shows symptoms of difficulty breathing and his skin turned blue.

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