Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Noni Benefits

The fruit is generally avoided because many people have less sedap.Mengkudu odor known to the public as wild plants, ugly and foul smelling. But now start rising prestige of noni fruit into food, drinks and alternative herbal medicine. Not the delicacy of taste, but because of the many benefits for health.

According to the Journal of Pacific Science (1949), noni (Morinda citrifolia L) likely comes from Indonesia.
Plants are also known as Pace or noni fruit, the shape of fruit Pears. Green when young and turns yellow-white when beginning to mature. Other characteristics, surface berbintil fruit skin and eyes filled with blackish brown, very sour taste with the distinctive aroma is very sharp when the old and mature.

The popularity of noni research is inseparable from several studies. The results are truly beyond belief, the substance contained in the noni is very beneficial for the health aspect.

These substances are contained in the noni fruit and its benefits:

*    Nutrients: whole noni fruit is full of nutritious food. Nutrients the body needs, such as proteins, viamin, and essential minerals, available preformance in sufficient quantities in fruit and noni leaf. Selenium, a mineral found in Noni is a powerful antioxidant. Various types of compounds contained in Noni: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, Among quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc..

*    Terpenoids. This substance helps in the process of organic synthesis and recovery of the body's cells.
    Bakteri.Zat anti-active substances contained in Noni juice that can kill bacteria that cause infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protens morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli. Anti-bacterial substance that can also control bacterial pathogens (off) such as Salmonella montivideo, S. scotmuelleri, S. typhi, and Shigella dusenteriae, S. flexnerii, S. pradysenteriae, and Staphylococcus aureus.

*    Scolopetin. Scolopetin compounds are very effective as a element of anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.

*   Anti-cancer substances. Anti-cancer substances found in noni most effective against abnormal cells.

*    Xeronine and proxeronine. One of the important alkaloid contained in the noni fruit is xeronine. Noni fruit contains very little xeronine, but many contain material forming (precursor) xeronine alias proxeronine in large numbers. Proxeronine is a kind of nucleic acids such as colloid-colloid other. Xeronine absorbed by the body's cells to activate the proteins that are inactive, set the structure and form of the active cell.

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