Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

The Signals Given by the Body if the Lack of Substance



Without realizing it sometimes body experience either deficiency of vitamins, calcium or iron. Without realizing it actually signals the body if the body lacks substance.
Here are okbangetz merngkum siyal body-signals given if the lack of substance:
1. Eyes feel dry
Possible lack of vitamin A and essential fatty acids. We recommend consumption of vegetables or fruit that is green, yellow or orange
2. Chapped lips
Possible lack of vitamin B2. We recommend the consumption of meat and dairy products.
3. Brittle nails
Possibly due to iron deficiency, zinc and essential fatty acids. We recommend the consumption of meat, beans and fish.
4. Cracked at the end of the mouth
The possibility of iron deficiency, vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid. We recommend the consumption of meat, beans and green vegetables.
5. Red eye
Possible lack of vitamin A and B2. We recommend the consumption of dairy products, meat, fruit or vegetable orange and green.
6. Reddened skin on the face oily
Possible lack of vitamin B2, B6, zinc or essential fatty acids. We recommend the consumption of meat, fish, poultry and shellfish.
7. Wounds heal slowly
The possibility of zinc deficiency. We recommend the consumption of dairy products and shellfish.
8. Pimple
Possible lack of vitamin B complex, vitamin E and essential fatty acids. We recommend the consumption of animal products, cereals, poultry and seafood.
9. Dandruff
Possible lack of vitamin C, B6, zinc and essential fatty acids. We recommend the consumption of fruits such as oranges, meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.
10. Thin hair
The possibility of iron deficiency or zinc. We recommend the consumption of meat, beans, dairy products and shellfish.

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