A. ASI For Baby Miracle
Mother, when the command breastfeeding reduced in Al-Qur, an, at that time science has not been able to inform in detail about the composition of breast milk and various benefits. Along with the rapid advancement of science, various studies have been done, and finally terkuaklah various lessons from the command breastfeeding. Subhaanallah ... ..
The most ideal food for human babies
Allah SWT has to maintain and feed the baby's mother for 9 months in the womb. After that, God designed to keep the baby nursing in the first years of life. Mother's milk is best and most suitable food ever for human infants. Even more interesting is breastfed is very individual and special because the composition is different for each child.
Milk every different species of mammals and is specific to each species, that is tailored to the needs, growth rate and feed her habit. For example whales that live in extremely cold environments and feed her time short, fat content in milk can reach 50, while rabbits are feeding their children only once a day, the milk contains approximately 10% protein. Human babies will reach 2 times the birth weight in about 6 months, whereas the calf only takes 6 weeks, so it can be understood that the composition of breast milk and cow's milk must have been different. Breastfeeding within one species also differ. Milk a mother can be different from other breastfeeding mothers. If a fellow animal milk and breast milk are different for each mother is different, then how can human breast milk with animal milk?
Changing the milk quality and quantity in line with the changing age of the baby. Baby's needs differ at different ages. Even during a one-time (period) lactation, milk composition changed. When he started to suck, the baby will receive the initial milk (foremilk). As events continue breastfeeding, continued milk (hind) will be released. Incredible!
Sufficient for infants to 6 months
Lately many reported cases of malnutrition among children under five from various provinces in Indonesia. More alarming is that 11.7% of malnutrition was found in infants younger than 6 months. This will not happen if only all babies are given breast milk until the age of 6 months. Because breast milk can provide for babies up to 6 months. Even up to 12 months, breastfed infants to meet the needs of 60-70%. Above one year, about 30% milk meets the needs of infants.
Lowering the incidence of infection
Breastfeeding up to 2 years to reduce child mortality due to infectious diseases, including diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections. Various fakor protection is found in breast milk, including IgA (Iminoglobulin A) secretory (sIgA). When breastfeeding, secretory IgA will affect the exposure of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of infants and restrict the entry of bacteria into the bloodstream through the mucosa (wall) gastrointestinal tract.
Various studies have also reported that breastfeeding can reduce the incidence and severity of diarrheal diseases, respiratory infections, middle ear inflammation (otitis media), inflammation of the lining of the brain (meningitis), urinary tract infection, inflammation and infection of the small intestine and large intestine that occurs due to lack of network oxygen or on antibiotic therapy (Necrotizing enterocolitis)
Mother's milk provides protection to the baby through several mechanisms, among others, to improve the growth of non-pathogenic microorganisms (not dangerous), reducing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the development of barrier (barrier) and salurannafas gastrointestinal mucosa, specific factors (secretory IgA, immunity substances ), reducing the inflammatory reaction (inflammation) and as immunomodulatory (immune stimulant). That's why human breast-fed babies are more resistant disease than in babies fed breast milk of animals.
It is important for optimal growth and development of children
Do you know, in order to run optimally, the child has three basic requirements to be met?. The three needs, namely:
Physical-biomedical needs (parenting)
Include the need for proper nutrition and balanced. This includes basic health care, clothing, housing, hygiene and environmental sanitation, sports and recreation.
Needs love / emotion (compassion)
Namely the need to emotion, among other things: love of parents, a sense of security, self esteem, the need for success, self help, encouragement, opportunities and needs to get a sense of security, and sense of belonging.
Needs stimulation (teaser)
What is meant here is the stimulation stimulation that comes from outside the child's environment such as exercise or play, eye contact, and verbal communication. Through play, children can learn to control and coordinate his muscles, involving emotions and thoughts so that children get a life experience.
Nursing process to meet three basic requirements are necessary. Meeting the needs of emotion (compassion) can be met by way of making contact as early as possible the baby and mother (early breastfeeding initiation.) This situation will lead to physical contact (skin contact), psychic (eye contact), sound and smell as early as possible that also plays an important role towards the success of breastfeeding.
By hugging the baby during feeding, ask to speak with a full casing dear, Mother had to meet the needs of the baby will stimulation (teaser), and also indirectly impact on the psychological needs Mom. While care needs are met through the content of nutrients in breast milk. Adequate nutrition is necessary for one's growth. And milk is a complex biological fluid which contains all the nutrients needed for growth and development of children. Tailored to the needs of breastfeeding, infant growth rate, and feeding habits.
Breast milk contains hormones and growth factors (growth factor) that is suitable for pertumbahan ideal body. Unlike the content of infant formula that requires dilution with a certain degree different for every child. If too liquid, it can cause the baby so that its growth stunted from malnutrition. Conversely, if penganceran too thick, can lead to obesity (overweight). Two of these cases often occur in everyday life.
Breastfed babies are generally more mild / ideal than infants who received formula milk. This is because breast milk contains leptin, which is a hormone regulating appetite / food intake and energy metabolism.
A long-term research conducted on the growth of exclusively breastfed infants and infants who received formula milk, the results obtained weight infants who received breast milk lighter than infants who received formula milk until the age of 6 months. This does not mean that a greater weight in infants who received formula milk is better than babies who are breastfed. Normal growth curve is a curve that breastfed babies. Excess weight in infants who received milk fomula would indicate the occurrence of obesity. This is not good for health.
Other research studying the long-term impact of breastfeeding when the baby against body length during childhood and adulthood. From Boyd-Orr cohort study found that the result is that children who breastfed their babies at the time higher than those who received formula milk.
Development experts use the term the "Golden Age" for the first 3 years. This period is a period which is very important, not only on the growth of a person, but also on the development of intelligence and motor skills, mental, social and emotional. At this time there mielinisasi (formation of nerve membranes), pertumbuhansel nerves and synapses (connections between nerve) growth, thus forming a complex brain networks. Critical period of brain growth occurs in 3 months before birth until the first 3 years of life. This is a very important period. This period is also known as windows of opportunity.
In terms of nutrition, at critical times such children should receive adequate nutrition is essential. From recent research found breast milk contains LCPUFAs (Arachidonic Acid / AA and Docosahexanoic Acid / DHA) in an amount sufficient to child's brain growth.
A study in Honduras shows babies who are breastfed exclusively for 6 months to crawl and sit earlier than those who received complementary foods at 4 months of age. From various studies that have been carried out, children who are breastfed is much more mature, more assertive and show a better progression in the development scale than those who were not breastfed.
Preventing Cancer in Children
According to expert milk dr. Utami Roesli, IBCLC, breastfeeding can prevent cancer in children, including malignant lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia (blood cancer, Neuroblastoma (brain tumor). It was found, the cancer diseases are 6-8 x more frequent pd children given formula milk. (Davis 1998, Benner 2001, Daniels 2002, Svanborg 2003).. New research imenemukan significant level of genetic damage in infants aged 9 to 12 months are not breastfed.
Lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessels) at a later date
Leptin in breast milk will prevent the occurrence of obesity in early childhood. In addition to leptin, adiponectin breast milk also contains a function to prevent the occurrence of thickening of blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and inflammation. Both of these hormones can reduce the risk of heart disease and child from the blood vessels in the future. Because obesity and atherosclerosis is a risk factor for cardiovascular events in the future.
Lowering the incidence of diabetes mellitus (diabetes) and Metabolic Syndrome
Breastfeeding can reduce the diabetes mellitus type 1 (characterized by absent or lack of the hormone insulin and increased levels of blood sugar), diabetes mellitus type 2 (characterized by high insulin due to insulin resistance), and Metabolic Syndrome (characterized by obesity, high blood pressure, and disorders of blood fat levels).
Research conducted on children aged 0-14 years showed the risk of suffering from diabetes mellitus type I in children who received formula milk 11.3 times greater than children who are breastfed exclusively.
The study by Petitt (1997) studied the relationship between breastfeeding with type 2 diabetes disease in Indian society Prima. People who are exclusively breastfed have a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes than those who only get a milk bottle.
As mentioned previously, breast milk can help prevent obesity. Obesity can lead to hyperinsulinemia (excess insulin in the blood) and insulin resistance. Review of 61 studies (covering 298 900 subjects) about breastfeeding relationship with obesity at age 1-17 years showed a decrease incidence of obesity in children who are breastfed as infants. Kries, et al (1999) also have protective effects against the risk of breast milk obesity in children aged 5-6 years. Decrease the incidence of obesity is comparable to the duration of breastfeeding
It is important for the intelligence of children.
Various factors that support, among others, contained the necessary nutrients in breast milk in the brain include:
1. Carbohydrates:
The main carbohydrate in breastmilk dalah lactose. Lactose will be converted into galactose. Galactose is important to establish galaktolipid that are important in brain development.
2. Fat:
Breast milk is the main source of essential fatty acids, especially Arachidonic Acid (AA) and Docosahexanoid Acid (DHA), which is necessary for brain development. The content of both substances is very high in the first days until the first weeks after birth. AA and DHA are very important in the admissions process and delivery of electrical stimulation on nerve cells. In addition, DHA is found in significant amounts in the eye, and it is important for visual function.
Milk also contains choline in very high. Choline plays a role in the formation of phospholipids in the cell wall of nerve, nerve metabolism, and neurotransmitters work.
3. Protein and Amino Acids:
In addition, ASI mengandng taurine, tyrosine and triptopan. Third is the necessary amino acids in brain development. Taurine is a free amino acid found in large amounts in nervous tissue, developing brain tissue and optic nerve. Taurine acts as a neurotransmitter, regulating the activity of nerve cells, stabilizing nerve cell wall and antioxidants. Tyrosine and triptopan role in the formation of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitter that is formed by triptopan serotonin and melatonin. The tyrosine formed noradrenaline and dopamine.
4. Minerals:
Iron in breast milk lower than cow's milk or formula fortified (added) iron. However, iron absorption in the intestines of babies who are breastfed 5 times higher than the absorption of iron contained in cow's milk. The advantage is that breastfed babies rarely suffer from iron deficiency.
Iron is very important in the production and maintenance of myelin (nerve cell membranes), the activity of nerve cells. So that iron deficiency can cause disorders of myelin formation neurotansmitter (a substance that is released before the end of the nerve connections between nerve and cross the gap connection to inhibit or stimulate the target cell)
The concentration of iodine in milk 4 times higher than that needed by a baby. Iodine is a mineral essential for thyroid hormone formation yatiu triiodotironin (T3) and thyroxine (T4). This hormone plays an important role in the process of early growth and development of various organs including the brain, and regulate the metabolism of brain cells. Thyroid hormone deficiency causes brain disorders of at least up to mental retardation (mental retardation) that weight and short body.
In addition, milk contains vitamin B12 which dipelukan in the metabolism of nerve tissue and the formation of DNA. Nutritional factors is very important, because the nutrients in the womb and after birth can cause changes in brain structure and function.
From an analysis conducted on 11 studies, in 1999, obtained the result that babies who are breastfed have IQs 3.2 points higher than babies who received formula milk. After that, a study in New Zealand reported 1.5 to 4.5 points higher IQ in babies breastfed for 8 months compared with infants who received formula milk. A total of 3880 Australian children followed from birth to determine the pattern of breastfeeding and cognitive development of children further. Children who are breastfed for six months or more are scored 8.2 points higher for girls and 5.8 points higher for boys in vocabulary tests, compared with children who never breastfed
Babies who are breastfed 4-6 months less often experience delays in speech and motor development. In premature infants of breastfeeding makes a difference of 5.18 IQ points higher than babies who received formula milk. IQ differences are influenced by the duration of breastfeeding. When milk is given only 4-7 weeks, then there is no difference in intelligence. Research in Australia showed that IQ would increase if milk is given more than 6 months. In addition, breastfeeding is often associated with neurocognitive development peningkaan children, especially in infants born with low weight and babies who are breastfed for longer.
The longer a given, the more intelligent ...
Research Angelsen et al. (2001) showed that breastfed infants less than 3 months have a lower IQ than babies who are breastfed 6 months or more. Breastfeeding longer provide benefit to the child's cognitive development. Another study conducted prospectively to premature babies who get breastmilk show the results of IQ tests (age 7-8 years) with 8.3 points higher than premature infants who received formula milk. The study accounted for prospectively for 18 years conducted in New Zealand (2001) also showed similar results, increase academic achievement and cognitive higher in children who are breastfed for 8 months or more than those who received formula milk.
In addition to the nutritional value of milk, a mind that is more closely bond between mother and baby during breastfeeding and sincerity mother during breast-feeding is also an important factor affecting emotional intelligence (Emotional Quotient) and spiritual intelligence (Spiritual Quotient) children.
Does not cause allergies
Mother's milk does not contain lactoglobulin. These sections of cow's milk or formula that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, breastfeeding can reduce and protect babies from allergic diseases. Many experts recommend that babies from families who have an allergy only breastfed for 6 months without additional (exclusive breastfeeding).
Lowering the risk of cavities
Formula-fed infants are more at risk have cavities (caries dentis). This is due to formula feeding with a bottle or pacifier, especially at night before bed, resulting in longer tooth contact with the remains of infant formula. The remains of milk will break down into acid compounds that can damage teeth.
Positive psychological effects
Nursing process will strengthen the bond between mother and child. Bond is a close, intimate and harmony that is created earlier and more permanent is very important because it will provide a positive psychological effect, among others:
Also determine the behavior of children in the future
Stimulate the child's brain development
Stimulate a child's attention to the outside world
Creating attachment (attachment) between mother and child
Improve self confidence children
Easily digested, absorbed efficiently
The main source of calories in breast milk is fat. About 50% of calories derived from fat milk. Fat content in milk between 3.5-4.5%. Although high levels of fat in breast milk, but is easily absorbed by infants because of triglycerides in milk first broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by lipase contained in breast milk. When babies are born, baby's stomach is not producing all the enzymes needed to digest milk fat. Lipase in breast milk is needed to improve the digestion of fat in the baby's stomach. Lipase in milk is called bile-salt stimulated lipase since starting work in conjunction with the availability of intestinal bile salts-such. Lipase inactive in the breast or in the stomach before the milk mixed with bile. Subhanallah!
Fat contained in breast milk is digested more perfect and will be used more efficiently by the baby's body fat compared with cow's milk or formula. The difference can be seen in infant feces. Faeces of formula-fed infants are different from the feces of breast-fed infants. This is because infant formula and other milk does not contain enzymes for effective and efficient food absorption. So in the feces of babies fed on both types of milk, there are many remaining milk that can not be absorbed by the body.
In addition, milk contains essential fatty acids namely linoleic acid (Omega 6) and linolenic acid (Omega 3). Called essential because the human body can not be formed both this acid and must be obtained from food consumption. Both are very important for brain growth in children.
In Infants with Low Birth Weight (LBW) are fed infant formula that contains less essential fatty acids turned out to show less optimal mental development and eyesight.
Carbohydrates in milk is lactose, whose levels are high compared to most other mammals milk (7gr%). Easily broken down lactose into glucose and galactose with the aid of lactase enzyme already present in the digestive tract mucosa since birth. Lactose has other benefits, which enhance calcium absorption and stimulates the growth of bifidus laktobacillus known as "good" bacteria in the human digestive tract.
Proteins in milk are casein and whey. Milk protein content of 0.9%, 60% are whey, which is more easily digested than casein.
Kidney newborns can not concentrate urine very well, so that needed milk with salt and mineral levels are low. Ation contain salts and minerals which is lower than cow milk.
Levels of calcium in cow's milk was higher than breast milk, but levels are much higher fosfornya, so interfere with the absorption of calcium and magnesium. SehinggaBayi who received cow's milk or formula is not modified to suffer from muscle spasms due to lack of calcium (hipokalsemi).
Lowering the infant mortality rate
Circumstances under five in Indonesia is very pathetic. Every 2.5 minutes a toddler in Indonesia died. This means that 430 children under five die every day. If we URLs, each day the crash occurred, one jumbo jet whose contents toddlers and all passengers died.
The situation of infants (children aged under 1 year), no less tragic. Every hour 10 babies died. This means that 240 babies die every day. Or every six minutes a baby dies dunia.Mengerikan, right?
How to save?
Research in Ghana on 10 947 babies born between July 2003 and June 2004 fed. Apparently when you start breastfeeding within 1 hour of 22% can be saved. If the baby starts to breastfeed from the first day of 16% can be saved. The possibility of death increases significantly each day feeding pemulaan suspended. But the problem in Indonesia, only 29% of mothers breast feed, and 17% are breastfeeding exclusively.
Preventing the incident malocclusion
Malocclusion is a condition where the upper and lower jaw out of alignment when the mouth menutup.Salah one cause of this is the habit of pushing the tongue forward due to the pacifier or bottle feeding.
B. Wonders of Breastfeeding For Mom
Prevent bleeding after childbirth
Baby sucking at the breast will stimulate the formation of oxytocin. Oxytocin helps the uterus after childbirth diminution
Lowering the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis
Cases of breast cancer in breast-feeding mothers is lower than the mother who did not breastfeed. There are some studies showing that breast-feeding a baby for 3 months to provide protection against breast cancer before menopause. The risk decreased 50%. In addition, breastfeeding also protects the mother from the risk of ovarian cancer.
A mother who breast-feeding, have a risk of osteoporosis that is smaller than the mother who did not breastfeed. Although the levels of calcium in the body of a lactating mother is decreased during lactation, but the mineralization of bone would immediately improve after six months of weaning so that calcium levels will be higher compared with not breastfeeding. Subhanallah. Even the latest study say, reserve enough for breastfeeding mother calcium for 2 years.
A study showed that women who never breastfeed have an increased risk of hip fractures are two times greater than women who do not breastfeed. Breastfeeding for 9 months for each child with a reduced risk of hip fractures ¼ times than those who do not breastfeed. Hip fracture makes a person unable to walk let alone sit. And required surgery which is very expensive and complicated to treat.
Manage Pregnancy
Exclusively breastfeed for six months could be a natural family planning, in medical terms is called LAM (Lactating Amenorrhae Methode). This is due to a mother during breastfeeding have higher prolactin levels. These hormones suppress the synthesis function (releasing) hormones that stimulate the release of an egg cell (ovum) by the ovaries (ovaries), so that the ovaries are not generated and delayed menstruation. So, indirectly, lactation regulate pregnancy.
Help restore the shape of the body and prevent obesity Mother
Breastfeeding helps the body to recover more quickly after childbirth. Hormones-hormones that issued your body every time she breast-feeding will help membugarkan back muscles Mother. In addition, the mother will experience weight loss more quickly if the mother breast-feeding. Because breastfeeding uses the fat reserves stored during pregnancy. In one study, women who breastfeed for at least six months has decreased an average of 4 kg more in the first year of life than women who do not breastfeed.
Reduce depression after childbirth
Breastfeeding helps Mom relax and feel calm, so the milk begins to flow, the hormones in your body begins to flow. These hormones help you to relax and enjoy the process of breastfeeding. Also establish breastfeeding bounding between mother and baby. Many women feel great pleasure when breastfeeding. And many also feel proud and confident when I saw the baby grow strong and healthy just by drinking milk.
C. Wonders of Breastfeeding For families
Save on Spending
Breastfeeding infants has two aspects that benefit economically, among others:
No need for special funds to be able to take advantage of breast milk. As rician, if infants were breastfed for six months only, there will be savings worth 4.4 trillion! This value is based on the calculation when there are 5 million infants in Indonesia over to get as many as 44 cans of formula milk for 6 months. That, too, with an estimated price of milk per can is the least expensive, which is 20,000 rupiah.
Breast-fed babies suffer less pain, so do not need to spend money for treatment.
Practical, hygienic
Breastfeeding is easier and has a body temperature that is in accordance with the conditions of digestion in the body so it does not require special preparation in administration. Breastfeeding can be provided anytime and anywhere. No need bottles, pacifiers, sterilizer, and do not require help from others.
Motivate others to breastfeed
A girl who had been breastfed, are likely to breastfeed her child. In 1990, conducted a survey of feeding to infants in the United Kingdom by the Social Survey of the Office of population Censuses and Surveys. The woman asked about how they choose to feed their babies as well as the reasons. The result, Some 75% of women who breastfed their babies to choose breastfeeding. Approximately 70% of women who breast-fed and bottle-fed also choose to breastfeed. In contrast only 48% of women who had been bottle-fed who decide to breastfeed. And 74% of women still breastfeeding at six weeks is a woman who had been breastfed.
If the mother breast-feeding, then chances are the people in the vicinity will also be breast-feeding mother.
Some 84% of women who said that most of their friends breastfeeding, plan to breastfeed. Because if a woman sees another woman is breastfeeding her baby, often the picture is embedded in his mind and affect his feelings about how to breastfeed their babies later.
So, the struggle to continue breastfeeding mother can be an inspiration and charity rewards that will flow continuously, Insha Allah.
D. Wonders of the ASI-Nation
When the mother breastfeeding her child, this will give some positive impact for the country, among others:
Reduce morbidity and mortality of children
Various factors appropriate protection and nutrients in breast milk ensure good nutritional status and child morbidity and mortality decreased
Reducing subsidies for hospital
The cost required for child care at the hospital will be reduced, because children who are breastfed less frequently hospitalized than children who received formula milk
Reducing foreign exchange to purchase infant formula
Breastfeeding can be considered as national wealth. If all the breastfeeding mother, is expected to save foreign exchange of 8.6 billion that should be used to buy formula.
Improving the quality of the future generation
Children who were breastfed, God willing, more intelligent, more pious, so the quality of the future generation will be guaranteed
Filed under: General Parenting Marked: | Children, breastfeeding, lactation, breastfeeding, parenting islami, Growth
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