Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

How to Cope with Heat in

heat in

Heat in the future would be very disturbing, especially during long holidays such as today are usually not forget interspersed with culinary tourism is very lucrative. Pain in throat and burning in the chest usually complain when suffering from heat in or in medical terms is called misnomer. The cause of heat in the usually eat too fast, too much meat is consumed, the consumption of chocolate, onions, peppermint, coffee, alcoholic beverages and smoking after a meal also could be a trigger. To avoid the heat in, besides avoiding triggers-triggers, some of the tips below can try to cope with the heat.

  1. Avoid eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Do not consume too much meat.
  3. Keep a healthy weight, people who have body fat tend to have heat in the upper abdomen urgent because through the diaphragm.
  4. Drink a glass of milk to relieve the symptoms of heartburn, although not as effective as antacids.
  5. Move your body and try to position the upright to avoid lying down and bending the body that trigger the secretion gastik movement toward the top.
  6. Keep head higher during sleep if the heat in the attack.
  7. Drink 1-2 teaspoons every 1-2 hours antacid to neutralize the acid, with a record to consult your doctor first, especially for patients with heart disease, kidney and high blood pressure. How to Cope with Heat In

6 Cause Women are Reluctant to Make Love


Partner's sexual love life greatly affect domestic harmony. In fact, not a sex Bland rarely affect the harmony of the household. When making love there are Some Things That cans make women lazy fuck, Want To Know? And try to Avoid it.

Past trauma
if you find your partner being cold in bed, traumatized sometimes be the cause. unpleasant experiences in the past such as sexual harassment, for example. To overcome this openness and approach needed to be smooth in the pair to get him to talk. other than that expert help is needed to help overcome them.

Oral Sex
Most women do not like oral sex for several reasons such as still regard it as a taboo and uncomfortable in her body shape. For that do not impose perform oral sex, and find out more in your partner's desire for the couple's sex life becomes more beautiful.

Pain in Vagina
Unlike women who tend to take a long time to make himself aroused by fondling and touching, men tend to want to "live". However, this sometimes resulted in vaginal pain after doing because of vaginal dryness due to lack of lubrication and rushed to penetrate.


With a squeeze or bite the partner's shoulders will usually increase the sensation during lovemaking. However, sometimes unwittingly done too hard to make the couple feel uncomfortable because these actions harshly.

Libido is too high
Couples who are always passionate and vibrant indeed become every woman's desires. But if you ask does not know when it will make the couple feel overwhelmed and tortured.

Trying a variety of new positions
New position during lovemaking couples sometimes done to look for new sensations and overcoming boredom in bed. But good communication between couples is necessary because some positions need time to adjust or accept. There must be no coercion to do so.

Tips for Eating Difficult child

eating difficul child

Hard to eat at the child often makes distraught father and mother. The reason is concerned with nutrition and child nutrition that could interfere with future growth. As parents, father and mother also have to know your child needs for balanced nutrition. If little hard to eat, there are some things that fathers and mothers can do to overcome them :

  1. Create a comfortable atmosphere and loving meals
  2. Be disciplined with time to eat the little guy. Little tends to not feel hungry when eating time he missed so fussy eaters.
  3. Give food menu according to age. For example if your baby only 4 months old she gave complementary foods such as milk porridge ation to introduce food since childhood that he used to eat well later.
  4. Do not over-feeding on the little interlude. Give a snack between meals children.
  5. Give milk to drink in moderation, because if excessive child will feel full and hard invited to eat.
  6. If your child remains difficult to eat, it's good to consult a physician to determine whether there is a certain disorder or disease indication. Ask your appetite enhancer vitamins if your child condition was fine.

7 Reasons Why Drink Coconut Water

coconut water


Coconut trees are so useful. In fact almost all the parts can be utilized by humans. One of them is coconut water which turned out to have so many benefits. In addition to relieving thirst as a beverage that is so delicious to eat in the daytime, coconut water is also useful for health.

Benefits of coconut water:

  1. In addition to more nutritious coconut water also contains no cholesterol and low in fat than milk.
  2. Coconut water can help the body regulate cardiac function and blood pressure because the content of potassium in coconut water.
  3. Coconut water can also be a drug. One of them, had always been believed to cure urinary tract disorders.
  4. Coconut water can relieve dizziness while intoxicated when the ride vehicle.
  5. Coconut water is able to fight various kinds of viruses that cause disease and boost immunity.
  6. Coconut water is useful to clean the digestive tract and improve blood circulation.
  7. Drinking coconut water regularly, very good for people with kidney stones.
  8. Coconut water helps break up kidney stones more easily get out.

Get Tips on Healthy and Beautiful Breasts

Beautiful Breast

Breasts are a very valuable asset of the body for women, for it to maintain health and beauty are very important. No doubt part of the body that only women have also become one of the male attraction. To maintain breast health and beauty, tips:

Choose Bra Fit

A bra that is too tight or wired is not good for breast, the article is too tight bra will make breast depressed.
Avoid prejudiced against breast
Avoid bad thoughts against the breast. For example, breast cancer can be frightening and your breast may be affected. Remain optimistic about the state of your breasts. Do not assume breast that lies in your chest as a burden that disrupt your life.
Eat foods that contain soy
Consumption of foods derived from soy will prevent the possibility of extra breast tissue produces estrogen which can disturb your breast health
Breast Massage
Massage on the breast will make blood flow smoothly so that nutrition also makes breasts beautiful smooth and healthy.
Avoid Alcohol
Research shows no link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer patients. It's best to avoid alcohol for more healthy.
Avoid using hormonal contraception
Try not to use synthetic hormonal contraception in the long term. Pick a mechanical contraception or permanent. Although the effects of excessive estrogen levels in the blood is still being debated, it helps us to beware.

Tips To Massage Infants

Massage Infants

Massage is so powerful that normally deal with complaints of fatigue for adults was also needed by the infant. Infant massage also has so many benefits. Benefits of infant massage in addition to making your child more relaxed also has many other benefits such as help to circulatory and neurological development, helps to overcome sleep problems in babies, to help increase appetite, stimulate the sensory system, stimulate growth hormone. In addition, infant massage according to its phases is able to detect interference with the physical. Infant massage can be done since the age of 1 month. In addition can be done in a special place infant massage, Mother of infant massage can also do light as relaxation at home. Before doing so it's good to see the first Mother of the tips below:

  1. Do massage before bath time baby. Bath after the massage will make more little body felt fresh.
  2. Create an atmosphere as comfortable as possible while massaging. Avoid massage when your baby cries because it will make him feel uncomfortable and even can make them feel stressed.
  3. Massage your baby from the top (head) and the new down.
  4. The right time to do massage is one hour before and after meals or nursing. Do not do the massage while doing both of these events.
  5. Do massage with a gentle intensity suppression and not to push too hard. So the pressure force is more like a sweep only.

Benefits of Pregnancy Exercise

pregnancy exercise

We would often hear about pregnancy exercise, pregnancy exercise but actually what it is and how manfatnya? This time okbangetz will review about pregnancy exercise.
Gymnastics is a sport that pregnancy is carried by pregnant women to prepare pregnant women in the face of childbirth by training, breathing techniques and posture as well as train the muscles that will be useful in the delivery process so that pregnant women facing childbirth SEAP physically or mentally.
Pregnancy exercise has many benefits for pregnant women. In addition to making healthy and fit pregnancy, pregnancy exercise has the following benefits:

  1. Train various breathing techniques are important for delivery went smoothly,
  2. Train posture, ease lower back pain / back also get information about pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. Can utilize the power and capability as well as possible so that the normal birth process takes place relatively quickly.
  4. Preparing for stamina before delivery
  5. Reduces muscle tension that can cause pain in the waist
  6. Knowing how to withstand pain with breathing and relaxation

Tips for Infant Skin Irritation in

 Infant Skin Irritation

Symptoms iriatasi on baby's skin is typically the onset of rash or red spots that feel tender when exposed to sweat, causing the baby discomfort. Causes irritation of a few things. Among them is the use of disposable diapers that are not frequently replaced after peed or pooped several times. This is because the baby pooped and peed a pile containing ammonia. Obesity in babies is also a trigger for the body folds that tend to damp. Family history of allergies and dry skin due to the use of antiseptic soap containing continuous should also be avoided to avoid irritation.
To overcome the irritation on baby's skin below:

1.  Replace the use of disposable diapers with a soft thin cloth diapers for a while during inflammation.
2.  Always wash with mild soap for baby's buttocks and anal area after peed or pooped.
3.  Do not forget to dry with a soft towel and pat well enough not rubbed with coarse.
4.      Consult your doctor first before giving medication in the form of ointments, creams or anything else.
5.      If the baby is a scaly skin spread with a special moisturizing cream baby.
6.      Avoid temporary use baby powder or cosmetic.
7.      Compress with a washcloth soaked in water areas on the baby's body folds and frequently aired. Avoid the use of powder while.
8.      Choose clothing that thin, loose and easy to absorb the sweat for the little guy.
9.      And finally avoid the trigger causes the baby's skin irritations.