Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases

Communicable Diseases

Communicable Diseases. Attention to non-communicable diseases is increasing with increasing frequency of disease incidence in the community. WHO divides three main causes of death are:
- Coronary heart disease
- Diarrhea
- Stroke

In Indonesia there is a change of disease patterns from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases, known as epidemiological transition.

The occurrence of this disease pattern changes can be related to several things, namely:
1.       Changes in the structure of society from agrarian to industrial.
2.   Changes in the structure of the population is decreasing young children and an increasing number of elderly population because of the success of family planning.
3.       Improvements in environmental sanitation to reduce the spread of infectious diseases
4.       The increase due to emancipation of women workers
5.       Improving health services in combating infectious diseases and increasing life expectancy.
More or less non-communicable diseases have in common with the title:
    Chronic Disease
    Non-infectious diseases
    New communicable disease
    Degenerative Diseases

Chronic diseases because of Communicable Diseases are usually chronic, but there is also a continuance sudden eg poisoning
Non-Infectious Diseases  because the causes of non-Communicable Diseases microorganisme, but it does not mean there is no mikroorganisme role in the occurrence of Communicable Diseases.

Degenerative Diseases associated with the process of degeneration / decay.

New comminicable disease can be transmitted through lifestyle, lifestyles can be related to diet, sex lives and global communications.

Characteristics of non-communicable diseases:
1.       Disease transmission is not through a particular transmission chain
2.        Long incubation period
3.       Perlangsungan chronic disease
4.       Many have trouble diagnosis
5.       Having a wide variation
6.       Requires a high cost in efforts to prevent or overcome.
7.       Multikausal contributing factor, even it is not clear.

Examples of non-communicable diseases

    heart disease
    metabolic diseases
    Injury and poisoning
Concept of Causal Relationships And Cause-Communicable Diseases
·        Complex causal network → difficult to establish cause or causes of primary or direct cause of a disease, such as the occurrence of a myocardial infarction is caused by many factors interchangeable.
·        If any one health problem has several possible causes of the problem can be attacked from various directions.
The relationship between causal factors and disease can have several forms, namely:

    Single cause / single-effect model
    Multiple cause / single-effect model
    Multiple cause / multiple effect model

Example: heart disease is the leading cause of death with the causal factors that include smoking, hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, lack of exercise, diabetes, stress and family history.

Communicable Diseases Epidemiology Approach
·        Approach to Non-Communicable Diseases epidemiology different from infectious diseases, ranging from its determination as a matter of Public Health to the prevention and mitigation efforts.
·        Studying Non-Communicable Diseases which perlangsungannya chronic, long latent period has some trouble with just making observations based on personal experience obsevasional from community members only. If the observation was intended to determine the hub between exposure to the occurrence of disease, then some difficulties to be faced.
·        Prevention of Communicable Diseases
Principles of disease prevention is better than cure still goes for Communicable Diseases.

4 The Prevention of Communicable Diseases

Primordial Prevention → intended to provide the conditions in society that allows the disease do not receive basic support from habits, lifestyle and other risk factors. This effort was extremely complex, not only an effort of health but multimitra.
1.     Prevention of the first level, includes:
Public Health Promotion, for example: public awareness campaigns, health promotion, education Public Health. Special prevention, eg prevention ketrpaparan, giving kemopreventif
2.     Prevention of second level, includes:
Early diagnosis, for example by conducting screening.  Treatment, chemotherapy or surgery
3.     The third level of prevention, including:
Rehabilitation, such as nursing home care, hospital care
Non Communicable Diseases Prevention efforts aimed at risk factors that have been identified.
Screening Communicable Diseases
Screening or filtering is an attempt to detect / find people with specific diseases without symptoms in the community or a particular group through a test / examination, which is short and simple to memisahakan they are likely to suffer, to be diagnosed and continued with treatment. Screening is closely associated with the risk factors of Non-Communicable Diseases.

15 Sins of the Government of Indonesia in Creating Heaven For Cigarette Industry and Smokers

dangers of smoking

  1. Rules and regulations that exist in Indonesia is highly permissive for the tobacco industry. Various allowances and disregard the dangers of smoking take place without prevented. This can be seen from the very few non-smoking area, there are no rules set the impact of pictorial on packs of cigarettes, cigarettes are very easily available and accessible, cigarette sellers everywhere and many more of concern. Even the sad lot of people under the sign of a ban on smoking in no smoking.
  2. Of the 191 countries only 171 countries have ratified, including 90 percent of the world's population, while the rest including Indonesia has not ratified the FCTC, the myth about a large share of industry in improving the nation's economy, is the biggest obstacle, and judged as a fatal error Indonesian government also other countries in the world.
  3. This issue can not be addressed by developed and developing countries, cigarette consumption is high, resulting in a continued reduction in development assistance, because of the increasing burden of non communicable diseases which have an impact on increasing state spending on health and society, as was the case in many countries, if limited government funding tends to put the focus on basic health services in line with the MDGs, while the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases can not be overlooked
  4. In Indonesia there is no provision in the minimum area provided for cigarette packaging health warnings. There is only one specific warning that approved the legislation without rotation settings.
  5. Cigarette excise tax level in Indonesia about 53 percent for top-selling cigarette brand, but the low selling price of U.S. dollars amounting to 1:14, for a pack of cigarettes contains 20 cigarettes. "Do not be afraid to raise taxes so the price of cigarettes will go up and it is certain cigarette consumption will decline," he said.
  6. With Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRTs) and other pharmacotherapies are not available.
  7. Indonesia has also not yet have a national telephone service to quit smoking.
  8. The Indonesian government is making efforts to protect the people from the dangers of smoking, especially for children and pregnant women.
  9. Cigarette same effect with an illegal drug. Even the cigarette could be more severe because unlike drugs, smoking can be done in almost all places and cigarettes can be bought anywhere. Wherever you go in Indonesia, you will inhale cigarette smoke. Where you look, you easily find people who smoke, whether in homes, offices, restaurants, airports, schools and even in hospitals. So there are no regulatory restrictions on activities that are ideal for smoking.
  10. Indonesia does not have strict regulations, as well as adequate programs to control tobacco dependence and cessation of smoking habits in the community. While the tobacco industry interference in countries' development aid increase is a mere myth, marketing of the cigarette industry continues to grow, it is considered would increase the burden of infectious disease risk is not the greatest, which would bring heavy economic burden.
  11. Actually, the strategy undertaken by tobacco companies the same all over the world, the difference is how the local government meregulasinya. Indonesia is highly permissive for the tobacco industry. You could see how many cigarette advertisements on television, newspaper, radio or the media in Indonesia, which can be accessed by anyone, even children. In addition, not a bit too big events like music concerts and even sporting events sponsored by tobacco. The cigarette industry believe that Indonesia is a country whose government positively and like the tobacco industry. Indonesian government should dare to raise the cigarette tax and excise, and tighten existing regulations on smoking, such as Thailand, New Zealand, Australia or Singapore.
  12. Excise tax and smoking in Indonesia is cheap compared to other countries.
  13. Cigarette excise tax level in Indonesia about 53 percent for top-selling cigarette brand, but the low selling price of U.S. dollars amounting to 1:14, for a pack of cigarettes contains 20 cigarettes. Do not be afraid to raise taxes so the price of cigarettes will go up and certainly would decrease cigarette consumption.
  14. Perda smokers smoking ban in public places is a toothless tiger rules for smokers who never cared, because actions and the punishment was never enforced.
  15. When the firm and strict regulation is not done then the Indonesian government created the heaven for the tobacco industry and smokers. On the other hand the government continues to defend the people of hell for non-smokers.

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Corruption Tobacco Health Law Section


In this country many things can be corrupted. Not only the money the state or even aid for the poor and victims of disaster, paragraph in the ACT could be corrupted. That is what happened in paragraph 2 of article 113 of the Health Act signed by President want to tobacco.

| Allow Comments | Related to the loss of Paragraph 2 of Article 113 Health Act, the Minister / State Secretary Hatta Rajasa states that verse is not there when the draft is received in the Secretary of State. Oddly enough explanation in the chapter Health Act, the explanation of the verse is still there. Though the draft approved at the plenary session of the House of Representatives, still includes the verse tobacco.

Over this incident, former Chairman of the Special Committee on the Draft Law of Health House of Representatives Commission IX, Rebekah Tjiptaning, said the loss of the verse is just because a mere technical error.
Despite the recognition, the discussion that paragraph was tough, because of differences in principle between the parties that the pros and cons. Parties that underlies his attitude to the fate of pro-tobacco farmers and people working in the tobacco industry. While the pro more priority health problems. But eventually reached an agreement to stay include the verse.
Unlike Rebecca, some Self-Institute society and other leaders expect, the loss of the verse about the tobacco was not a coincidence, but intentional. In fact, they suspect, and supposedly have evidence, there is the involvement of personnel from the Ministry of Health.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the loss of tobacco verse that reflects ignorance actors and stakeholders. If it is true that a mere technical problem, such as those believed to be Rebecca, is this not indicate poor performance of the Secretariat of fractions or House of Representatives. If intentional, how stupid the perpetrator, because sooner or later the loss of that paragraph shall know the parties concerned. Moreover, forgot to remove part of the explanation.

Actually there is a possibility of economic motives tobacco-related corruption clause in Health Act, if done in a neat and professional. Surely this can not be far away from the problem of collusion, nepotism and bribery Corruption! Because after the tobacco industry regarding the interests of various parties. Large tobacco industry and gain a lot of government that have to bear substantial tax revenue. Then the tobacco farmers and tobacco workers?


dangers of smoking
Cigarettes are toxic things that give effect to relax and feel more manly suggestion. Behind the usefulness or benefits of cigarettes that contained a piece of a very big danger for people who smoke and those around smokers who never smoked.

  1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals of which 200 of them poisonous and 43 other types can cause cancer in the body. Some substances that are dangerous are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..
  2. Cigarette smoke is just dead on an ashtray containing three times the cancer-triggering substances in the air and 50 times contain pengeiritasi eyes and breathing. The shorter the higher levels of cigarette toxins that are ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous place than pollution on the streets are jammed highway.
  3. Someone who tried smoking usually be addictive because cigarettes are addictive is difficult released under any circumstances. A heavy smoker will choose to smoke than eat if their money is limited.
  4. Expensive price of cigarettes would be very burdensome people who are poor, so that his family health and welfare funds are often diverted to buy cigarettes. Rooms with famous brands are usually owned by foreign tobacco companies coming from abroad, so the money spent on smokers will flee to foreign countries that reduce national income. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve living standards for employees, so if the cigarette factory closed down workers can be employed in other establishments that are more creative and bring in foreign exchange.
  5. Most smokers will usually invite other people who do not smoke to smoke to feel the same suffering with it, that is trapped in an evil addiction cigarette smoke. Most smokers are in a more deliberately smoking in public places for the exhaled cigarette smoke can be inhaled to others, so that others will get cancer.
  6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an unlawful object or item that must be avoided and shunned as far as possible. Ulema or religious scholars who smoke may have different perceptions in this regard.


    So it can be concluded that smoking is an activity undertaken stupid humans who sacrifice money, health, social life, reward, positive perceptions, and so forth. So be grateful if you do not smoke, because you are a smart / clever.

    When someone offers a cigarette then starting with the good. Feeling kasihanlah in those who smoke. Do not listen to those who think you are lower than they otherwise follow-up smoking. because in the hearts and minds of those who are sane they want to quit smoking.

25 Advantage Does Not Suck Smoke.

If during this health threat and damage from smoking does not work to make someone quit smoking, what if expose all the benefits that can be obtained if non-smokers? Here are 25 benefits if you do not smoke cigarettes.

As quoted from the Health, on Wednesday (6/1/2010), researchers from the Peninsula Medical School, UK cite many benefits that would be obtained if non-smokers, including 25 gains the following :
  1. You can save, no need to spend more money to buy cigarettes and can buy other items as desired.
  2. You'll breathe less smoke cigarettes the same bacteria by inhaling the bacteria which can make pain.
  3. You can be more clever because it protected from cigarette addiction chemicals that can damage the brain.
  4. You will have a style of sex and sexual performance is better because the blood flow and circulation is better and cleaner.
  5. You will sleep more soundly and better because nicotine is a substance that can disturb sleep hormone production.
  6. You can have a more healthy bones and strong because of bone mineral density will not be stolen and was reduced by smoking.
  7. You will be protected from diseases because recent studies mentioned psoriaris no connection between the smokers with skin disease psoriaris.
  8. You'll feel more warm and not cold because the blood circulation will go smoothly and warm up.
  9. You who have the AIDS disease will not experience the immune deterioration process is faster. You will be spared from all chronic diseases caused by smoking, particularly heart disease who had a 4-fold risk.
  10. You can avoid died of a brain tumor because of cigarette smoke into the lungs can spread rapidly into the blood vessels in the brain.
  11. You could have teeth that are cleaner and healthier because of the chemicals in cigarettes do not go back into the mouth and will not damage teeth.
  12. You will have less wrinkles because smoking can damage the tissue and skin elasticity after 10 years.
  13. You will have a better sense of smell and consume food more delicious.
  14. You can have your hair stronger and will not quickly go bald.
  15. You will get the job done faster and more productive because rarely sick.
  16. You'll avoid the stress due to family pressure and people who want you to stop smoking.
  17. You avoid the annoying cough and bronchitis.
  18. You will save infants and children who are not guilty of interference of cigarette smoke.
  19. You will have more sperm and healthy because of the risk of sperm defects caused by cigarette chemicals will be reduced.
  20. You will be more beloved spouse, a good kisser and possibly thrown reduced because most women do not like the smell of cigarette smoke.
  21. You will be an example and a good figure for a friend who wanted to quit smoking.
  22. You can breathe much longer because of carbon monoxide from cigarettes will not enter into the blood and restricting the amount of oxygen to breathe.
  23. You can have a greater chance of conceiving because protected from ovarian cancer or damage to egg cells and female reproductive function.
  24. Do you have a risk of delivering a child with disabilities is lower because the chemicals in cigarettes can cause an inherited gene mutation in children.
  25. You will have a longer life because every single cigarette smoked reduces the chance of living 11 minutes.
    And of course there are many more advantages of not smoking.

What Happens When Quitting Smoking?

For the short term, quitting smoking can lead to positive and negative effects. But the negative effect is only temporary and promising positive effects that much larger for the medium term and long term. Cigarettes can kill but also to bring to bring much joy to millions of smokers. Smokers are particularly vulnerable to deadly diseases like cancer and heart disease. That is why many medical circles highly recommend smokers to quit immediately suck the nicotine in cigarettes. 

What happens when people stop smoking? Nicotine is highly addictive drug can lead to reversal of symptoms (withdrawal) in people who had just quit smoking, thus causing people often fail in the effort to quit smoking. Reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (01/22/2011), withdrawal symptoms usually begin several hours after quitting smoking and may last for several weeks. Withdrawal is characterized by feelings of irritability, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headache, increased appetite, poor concentration, sleep disturbance and weight gain. To eliminate this phenomenon, the American Cancer Society in a report Guide to Quitting Smoking showed ex-smokers to engage in activities that can replace tobacco as a solution to eliminate hunger and stress, such as chewing gum and exercise. When you can cope with withdrawal symptoms, then the body will be able to immediately feel the benefits of quitting smoking. The benefits that will be even greater when you do not smoke in the long term. Quitting smoking can reduce blood pressure and heart rate within 20 minutes. When quitting smoking, you also no longer breathe some dangerous chemicals and compounds in tobacco smoke. Carbon monoxide can damage the nervous system, but the number is in the blood returns to normal within 12 hours after quitting smoking. Other benefits that can be felt immediately are becoming fewer respiratory problems, sense of smell and taste better, whiter teeth, and breath, clothes and hair become odorless. Not smoking for a period of 1 year can cut risk of heart disease by half. And in 10 years to reduce the risk of cancer. Quitting smoking also reduces the risk of bladder cancer, cervix, esophagus, pancreas mouth and throat cancer. This reduction in risk was made ex-smokers live longer than smokers.

The Characteristics of a Good Nanny

Good Nany
Not all parents can take care of her baby alone, some people could not keep her baby without the help of a nanny. Here are some tips to tell if your babysitter is a good caregiver:

Children seem happy with their existence.

Children who seem happy to pengsuh are the traits that these caregivers have the nature of motherhood that is patience, and attention.

Children do not stop talking about the nanny.

Children will sense if the caregiver take care with compassion.
Love will shine throughout her care for your child.

Come on time

If the nanny did not come to stay at home, he will come on time.
Another thing that can be relied upon: he will notify you if it was unable to come because of an emergency, and trying to find a replacement. He understands your needs and honor the contract, if possible.

Caregivers also provide input or a good and creative solutions

when faced with a problem, he shows the commitment and attention to child problems and discuss them with you.

Caregivers try to keep the relationship.

Caregivers who work seriously will still give you information on its daily activities with children.

Caregiver will demonstrate interest in the creativity of children and participate expanding it.

This can be seen from a child who shows a variety of new virulence, such as new songs, new words, or other creative results.

Children looked clean and well maintained.

Cleanliness is a sign of thoroughness and accuracy. This is a sign that caregivers focus on the child.

Not often happens 'accidents'.

'Accident' probably not something that can be avoided 100%, but a good caregiver will try to make everything safe for foster children.

Tips Smoothing Body Metabolism

Drink Water
Failed to diet, digestion is not smooth, constipation can be metabolic system in your body problematic. For your body more fit, the things that must be considered to facilitate the body's metabolism :

Expand Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and vitamins will help meet the nutritional needs of the body. If nutritional requirements are met then the body's digestive system going smoothly vice versa if not fulfilled, it will disrupt the body's digestive system.

Muscle Exercises
muscle exercises does not mean stocky body shape as typically male, with enough muscle workout you can get a solid body contains. Muscle tissue is more easily digested fat tissue instead, will burn more calories even in a state of rest.

Increase physical activity

Sports would not so effective to accelerate the body's metabolism, if after a while you lot sit beroahraga silent thereafter. Perform light exercise was interrupted your daily activities such as choosing the stairs instead of elevators to get to your workspace that makes your feet activity.

Water consumption is 2.5 liters per day.
Drink lots of water is very important for the body because the water is the most important substance in the process of metabolism. Water shortages will make the body's metabolic processes disturbed.

Add Time to eat in small portions
You can eat 6 times a day with a note in smaller portions than usual. This is very nice to accelerate the body's metabolism because metabolism is actively running and there is no buildup of food or energy.

Cope With Heartburn During Pregnancy Tips

Heartburn or feeling of burning / pain in the pit of the stomach is a common thing experienced by pregnant women in both the first month of pregnancy and beyond. Even the usually increases near term delivery. Heartburn during pregnancy occurs because the body produces the hormone progesterone and known as relaxin which serves to make the organs of the body so relaxed. This also occurs in the stomach so that the digestive process occurs more slowly which resulted in the accumulation of food and stomach acid rises into Eshopagus. This is why heartburn occurs. To overcome this, the following tips can Mother try to make it more comfortable undergoing the pregnancy is amazing. Good luck :

  1. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight.
  2. Avoid consuming spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, sour, Carbonated food and alcohol. These foods trigger heartburn cans.
  3. Try sitting or upright position after meals to minimize foods that tend to accumulate and rise to the top.
  4. Do not Stress. If mothers experiencing stress, the increased production of stomach acid so that the higher the risk of heartburn.
  5. Eat more often with smaller consumption. Mother can eat up to 6 times a day but with a smaller portion of the record. This will help because system performance tends to slow digestion.
  6. Eat slowly to avoid too much air entering the can cause intense stomachaches.
  7. Antacids consumption. If that happens the pain is so unbearable you can Antacids neutralize stomach acid consumption for you. Remember to always consult with a physician.
  8. Positive Thinking. Digestion process the food more slowly, the absorption of nutrients and beneficial process for the fetus penyalura mother. For it remains positive thinking though Mother was uncomfortable.

Tips Whiten Teeth

White Teeth
White teeth and clean of course be everyone's dream. If you want to get it, do not need an expensive and complicated treatments. You can try tooth whitening tips below, with a record of your tooth color changes are not too bad. We'll see tips:

Use strawberries and Lemon
Strawberries and lemons are believed to whiten teeth because its c vitamin content is high. How do ya? Paste that have been mashed strawberries evenly on the teeth for 1-2 minutes. Then gargle. Can also use strawberry pulp after the juice. While lemon, lemon peel rub the delicate part of the teeth.

Brush your teeth correctly
Note the correct way of brushing teeth and do not hit the brush with hard because it can damage the tooth enamel. Also toothbrush once every 12 hours.

Note hygiene toothbrush
Apart from having to choose a good toothbrush, cleanliness was considered absolute. Do not forget to clean the toothbrush hairs at the tip and the base of the hair so that no toothpaste left. Also use the shield on the head of the toothbrush so as not exposed to bacteria from the outside.

Use a straw when drinking
Always use a straw when drinking soft drinks, tea, coffee and red wine to avoid direct contact with teeth. This is because these drinks can change the color of teeth.

Select Toothpaste Whitener
To whiten your teeth, it could not hurt you choose toothpaste containing active formula to whiten teeth that many are sold on the market. Ask your doctor's advice to choose the right toothpaste.

Expand the consumption of foods that can help whiten teeth

What food aja ya? Such foods include carrots, apples and celery that is able to win spots on the teeth.

Routine dental check
Make a dental examination to the dentist at least once a year and do better 6 months.