Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011


cause lack of oxygen
Jakarta, oxygen deficiency in newborns is a serious case. Lack of oxygen will make a late treated cells in the brain dead that could lead to disability and death. Lack of oxygen to the fetus can occur in any pregnancy. So it's important for paramedics to treat infants deprived of oxygen with alacrity. Lack of oxygen can cause serious defects that can destroy the life of the child and family, emotionally and financially draining. Cases of cerebral palsy (brain injury) in infants by 20 percent due to lack of oxygen. As reported by Babycenter, Monday (12/4/2010) There are three causes of infant born to lack of oxygen:
1. Tangled in the umbilical cord or compressed cordUmbilical cord can be twisted or stressed during delivery of the baby-related positions. The umbilical cord is very important because the fetus could receive all the nutrients through these especially the most important is oxygen.If the umbilical cord twisted or compressed during delivery the baby in a dangerous position.
2. Umbilical cord stranglingThis usually happens when the baby is going in down position. Its motion when it comes down sometimes makes his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. Monitoring during delivery must be careful because if the baby's neck twisted umbilical cord will be difficult to get a supply of oxygen.
3. Position of the baby born on exitIf the birth of the baby sometimes so hard to get stuck in the exit lane when going out. Paramedics had to move quickly so the baby not too long at an exit point for the baby to be deprived of oxygen. Most of the oxygen deficiency occurs because the fetus has not been monitored carefully. If it finds conditions that are difficult doctor will usually perform a cesarean section immediately.
Oxygen deficient infants have signs of:1. Low Apgar scoresImmediately after birth, paramedics will conduct a series of tests to see the response of the baby. The score will be low if the baby is experiencing a lack of oxygen. Apgar score was first found by Dr. Virginia Apgar in 1952 that evaluated the newborn on the 5 criteria with the scale of 0-2, and then summing the five criteria. Apgar score ranges from 0-10. The five criteria are Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, respiration.
2. Seizures in the first 24-48 hours after birth3. Difficulty eating, difficulty sucking and unable to swallow milk.4. Experiencing apnea or breathing stops in some time.5. Difficulty waking from sleep6. Has a low pH indicates too much acid in the umbilical cord due to lack of oxygen.
Long-Term EffectsChildren who experience a lack of oxygen when the baby is usually in infancy will experience learning difficulties, inability to concentrate, problems of balance and body coordination. Autism and epilepsy is also allegedly associated with oxygen deprivation at birth. To avoid oxygen deficiency born babies, mothers should be especially diligent in monitoring the position of the baby before the birth.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Choosing Shoes For Children

Shoes in addition to functioning as a complement to the appearance, its main function is to protect the feet. When choosing shoes do not just see the shape is interesting, but keep in mind also the comfort for the wearer. Moreover, choosing shoes for the little guy.

How to Choose Shoes Child

1.    Choose shoes that are easy to take the child, such that the lid using an adhesive. The front of the shoe slightly curved upwards.
2.   Select a shoe that does not fit well to avoid foot blisters, blisters or ulcers caused by pressure. exaggerating about 2.5 cm to no room for fingers.
3.     Choose shoes that are supple and flexible as well as the inside is made of soft material. Have children trying on shoes at the time of purchase, recommend it to walk a few steps to ensure the comfort shoe.
4.      Choose footwear with outer soles are not too thick, so as not to disturb the balance.

Keeping the memory

The brain is the center of all our activities. The longer the ability of our brain in memory will be increasingly weak. With increasing age the ability of the brain memory will decline, There are a few tips on how to improve memory. Here are tips to increase your memory:

1.      Repeat. Repeat, repeat and repeat what you want to remember. Experts say that the human brain can only remember 7 sections of information in less than 30 seconds. If you want longer remember then you must always repeat in your mind what you want to remember.
2.      Enough exercise. Sports, especially the increasing circulation of oxygen to the brain will improve brain function optimally. Given is one of the most important brain functions.
3.      Attention. Fully concentrate our attention on the person who is before us. If we want to always remember what someone said, consider well what these people say.
4.      Connect with something. Linking an object with other objects that will help you remember these things. The more unique relationship that you create will be more good memories you against that person.
5.      Enthusiastic in doing something. The more enthusiastic and glad you are against something or someone the more easily you will remember for a long time.
6.      Take control of your stress. Stress will increase the levels of the hormone cortisol that interfere with brain function due to the death of brain nerve cells. Stress will also disturb your sleep and appetite which in turn will impact the ability of memory. One way to control stress is to exercise.
7.      Sleep enough. When we sleep, especially in the initial few hours of sleep, our brain will wrap yourself up to process all the information that we learned earlier.

Toxoplasma Prevent Spread Tips


Toxoplasma is a kind of disease caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma disease was not so dangerous to humans, except when attacking a pregnant woman. This is due to Toxoplasma causes no symptoms if the man who contracted the illness has a good body immunity. He will cause pain when the human body's defenses down, stress, weak and malnourished. Toxoplasma dangerous when attacking a pregnant woman because it can cause keuguran and defects in babies will be born.
The disease is known to be transmitted to humans through cat. But make no mistake, not only cats that can become a medium of transmission.
Toxoplasma can be transmitted through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat, soft-boiled eggs, fruit and vegetables contaminated with animal feces containing the parasite Toxoplasma. In addition, blood transfusion and other organs from someone that contain Toxoplasma.
However, there are several steps to prevent toxoplasmosis. lets try:)

1.      Clean the cages of animals every day. If you are pregnant, ask someone else to do it.
2.      Use gloves when cleaning cages and gardening, and immediately wash hands with soap afterwards.
3.    Wash fruits and vegetables to be consumed with a safe soap to wash the fruit, especially if you grow it yourself.
4.      Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat and milk that has not been pasteurized.
5.     Cook the meat evenly and if you use a meat thermometer should show a minimum of 70 degrees Celsius when boiling. Wash equipment when exposed to direct contact boiling meat.
6.      If you are pregnant, do regular checkups to prevent it.
7.     Do also check your pet's routine. Avoid direct contact if the animal you have an active infection. You can deposit on the maintenance of animals to care for her.
8.      Do not be gardening in the land affected by cat feces and let the kids play in sand exposed to cat feces.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases

Communicable Diseases

Communicable Diseases. Attention to non-communicable diseases is increasing with increasing frequency of disease incidence in the community. WHO divides three main causes of death are:
- Coronary heart disease
- Diarrhea
- Stroke

In Indonesia there is a change of disease patterns from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases, known as epidemiological transition.

The occurrence of this disease pattern changes can be related to several things, namely:
1.       Changes in the structure of society from agrarian to industrial.
2.   Changes in the structure of the population is decreasing young children and an increasing number of elderly population because of the success of family planning.
3.       Improvements in environmental sanitation to reduce the spread of infectious diseases
4.       The increase due to emancipation of women workers
5.       Improving health services in combating infectious diseases and increasing life expectancy.
More or less non-communicable diseases have in common with the title:
    Chronic Disease
    Non-infectious diseases
    New communicable disease
    Degenerative Diseases

Chronic diseases because of Communicable Diseases are usually chronic, but there is also a continuance sudden eg poisoning
Non-Infectious Diseases  because the causes of non-Communicable Diseases microorganisme, but it does not mean there is no mikroorganisme role in the occurrence of Communicable Diseases.

Degenerative Diseases associated with the process of degeneration / decay.

New comminicable disease can be transmitted through lifestyle, lifestyles can be related to diet, sex lives and global communications.

Characteristics of non-communicable diseases:
1.       Disease transmission is not through a particular transmission chain
2.        Long incubation period
3.       Perlangsungan chronic disease
4.       Many have trouble diagnosis
5.       Having a wide variation
6.       Requires a high cost in efforts to prevent or overcome.
7.       Multikausal contributing factor, even it is not clear.

Examples of non-communicable diseases

    heart disease
    metabolic diseases
    Injury and poisoning
Concept of Causal Relationships And Cause-Communicable Diseases
·        Complex causal network → difficult to establish cause or causes of primary or direct cause of a disease, such as the occurrence of a myocardial infarction is caused by many factors interchangeable.
·        If any one health problem has several possible causes of the problem can be attacked from various directions.
The relationship between causal factors and disease can have several forms, namely:

    Single cause / single-effect model
    Multiple cause / single-effect model
    Multiple cause / multiple effect model

Example: heart disease is the leading cause of death with the causal factors that include smoking, hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, lack of exercise, diabetes, stress and family history.

Communicable Diseases Epidemiology Approach
·        Approach to Non-Communicable Diseases epidemiology different from infectious diseases, ranging from its determination as a matter of Public Health to the prevention and mitigation efforts.
·        Studying Non-Communicable Diseases which perlangsungannya chronic, long latent period has some trouble with just making observations based on personal experience obsevasional from community members only. If the observation was intended to determine the hub between exposure to the occurrence of disease, then some difficulties to be faced.
·        Prevention of Communicable Diseases
Principles of disease prevention is better than cure still goes for Communicable Diseases.

4 The Prevention of Communicable Diseases

Primordial Prevention → intended to provide the conditions in society that allows the disease do not receive basic support from habits, lifestyle and other risk factors. This effort was extremely complex, not only an effort of health but multimitra.
1.     Prevention of the first level, includes:
Public Health Promotion, for example: public awareness campaigns, health promotion, education Public Health. Special prevention, eg prevention ketrpaparan, giving kemopreventif
2.     Prevention of second level, includes:
Early diagnosis, for example by conducting screening.  Treatment, chemotherapy or surgery
3.     The third level of prevention, including:
Rehabilitation, such as nursing home care, hospital care
Non Communicable Diseases Prevention efforts aimed at risk factors that have been identified.
Screening Communicable Diseases
Screening or filtering is an attempt to detect / find people with specific diseases without symptoms in the community or a particular group through a test / examination, which is short and simple to memisahakan they are likely to suffer, to be diagnosed and continued with treatment. Screening is closely associated with the risk factors of Non-Communicable Diseases.

15 Sins of the Government of Indonesia in Creating Heaven For Cigarette Industry and Smokers

dangers of smoking

  1. Rules and regulations that exist in Indonesia is highly permissive for the tobacco industry. Various allowances and disregard the dangers of smoking take place without prevented. This can be seen from the very few non-smoking area, there are no rules set the impact of pictorial on packs of cigarettes, cigarettes are very easily available and accessible, cigarette sellers everywhere and many more of concern. Even the sad lot of people under the sign of a ban on smoking in no smoking.
  2. Of the 191 countries only 171 countries have ratified, including 90 percent of the world's population, while the rest including Indonesia has not ratified the FCTC, the myth about a large share of industry in improving the nation's economy, is the biggest obstacle, and judged as a fatal error Indonesian government also other countries in the world.
  3. This issue can not be addressed by developed and developing countries, cigarette consumption is high, resulting in a continued reduction in development assistance, because of the increasing burden of non communicable diseases which have an impact on increasing state spending on health and society, as was the case in many countries, if limited government funding tends to put the focus on basic health services in line with the MDGs, while the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases can not be overlooked
  4. In Indonesia there is no provision in the minimum area provided for cigarette packaging health warnings. There is only one specific warning that approved the legislation without rotation settings.
  5. Cigarette excise tax level in Indonesia about 53 percent for top-selling cigarette brand, but the low selling price of U.S. dollars amounting to 1:14, for a pack of cigarettes contains 20 cigarettes. "Do not be afraid to raise taxes so the price of cigarettes will go up and it is certain cigarette consumption will decline," he said.
  6. With Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRTs) and other pharmacotherapies are not available.
  7. Indonesia has also not yet have a national telephone service to quit smoking.
  8. The Indonesian government is making efforts to protect the people from the dangers of smoking, especially for children and pregnant women.
  9. Cigarette same effect with an illegal drug. Even the cigarette could be more severe because unlike drugs, smoking can be done in almost all places and cigarettes can be bought anywhere. Wherever you go in Indonesia, you will inhale cigarette smoke. Where you look, you easily find people who smoke, whether in homes, offices, restaurants, airports, schools and even in hospitals. So there are no regulatory restrictions on activities that are ideal for smoking.
  10. Indonesia does not have strict regulations, as well as adequate programs to control tobacco dependence and cessation of smoking habits in the community. While the tobacco industry interference in countries' development aid increase is a mere myth, marketing of the cigarette industry continues to grow, it is considered would increase the burden of infectious disease risk is not the greatest, which would bring heavy economic burden.
  11. Actually, the strategy undertaken by tobacco companies the same all over the world, the difference is how the local government meregulasinya. Indonesia is highly permissive for the tobacco industry. You could see how many cigarette advertisements on television, newspaper, radio or the media in Indonesia, which can be accessed by anyone, even children. In addition, not a bit too big events like music concerts and even sporting events sponsored by tobacco. The cigarette industry believe that Indonesia is a country whose government positively and like the tobacco industry. Indonesian government should dare to raise the cigarette tax and excise, and tighten existing regulations on smoking, such as Thailand, New Zealand, Australia or Singapore.
  12. Excise tax and smoking in Indonesia is cheap compared to other countries.
  13. Cigarette excise tax level in Indonesia about 53 percent for top-selling cigarette brand, but the low selling price of U.S. dollars amounting to 1:14, for a pack of cigarettes contains 20 cigarettes. Do not be afraid to raise taxes so the price of cigarettes will go up and certainly would decrease cigarette consumption.
  14. Perda smokers smoking ban in public places is a toothless tiger rules for smokers who never cared, because actions and the punishment was never enforced.
  15. When the firm and strict regulation is not done then the Indonesian government created the heaven for the tobacco industry and smokers. On the other hand the government continues to defend the people of hell for non-smokers.

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Corruption Tobacco Health Law Section


In this country many things can be corrupted. Not only the money the state or even aid for the poor and victims of disaster, paragraph in the ACT could be corrupted. That is what happened in paragraph 2 of article 113 of the Health Act signed by President want to tobacco.

| Allow Comments | Related to the loss of Paragraph 2 of Article 113 Health Act, the Minister / State Secretary Hatta Rajasa states that verse is not there when the draft is received in the Secretary of State. Oddly enough explanation in the chapter Health Act, the explanation of the verse is still there. Though the draft approved at the plenary session of the House of Representatives, still includes the verse tobacco.

Over this incident, former Chairman of the Special Committee on the Draft Law of Health House of Representatives Commission IX, Rebekah Tjiptaning, said the loss of the verse is just because a mere technical error.
Despite the recognition, the discussion that paragraph was tough, because of differences in principle between the parties that the pros and cons. Parties that underlies his attitude to the fate of pro-tobacco farmers and people working in the tobacco industry. While the pro more priority health problems. But eventually reached an agreement to stay include the verse.
Unlike Rebecca, some Self-Institute society and other leaders expect, the loss of the verse about the tobacco was not a coincidence, but intentional. In fact, they suspect, and supposedly have evidence, there is the involvement of personnel from the Ministry of Health.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the loss of tobacco verse that reflects ignorance actors and stakeholders. If it is true that a mere technical problem, such as those believed to be Rebecca, is this not indicate poor performance of the Secretariat of fractions or House of Representatives. If intentional, how stupid the perpetrator, because sooner or later the loss of that paragraph shall know the parties concerned. Moreover, forgot to remove part of the explanation.

Actually there is a possibility of economic motives tobacco-related corruption clause in Health Act, if done in a neat and professional. Surely this can not be far away from the problem of collusion, nepotism and bribery Corruption! Because after the tobacco industry regarding the interests of various parties. Large tobacco industry and gain a lot of government that have to bear substantial tax revenue. Then the tobacco farmers and tobacco workers?


dangers of smoking
Cigarettes are toxic things that give effect to relax and feel more manly suggestion. Behind the usefulness or benefits of cigarettes that contained a piece of a very big danger for people who smoke and those around smokers who never smoked.

  1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals of which 200 of them poisonous and 43 other types can cause cancer in the body. Some substances that are dangerous are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..
  2. Cigarette smoke is just dead on an ashtray containing three times the cancer-triggering substances in the air and 50 times contain pengeiritasi eyes and breathing. The shorter the higher levels of cigarette toxins that are ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous place than pollution on the streets are jammed highway.
  3. Someone who tried smoking usually be addictive because cigarettes are addictive is difficult released under any circumstances. A heavy smoker will choose to smoke than eat if their money is limited.
  4. Expensive price of cigarettes would be very burdensome people who are poor, so that his family health and welfare funds are often diverted to buy cigarettes. Rooms with famous brands are usually owned by foreign tobacco companies coming from abroad, so the money spent on smokers will flee to foreign countries that reduce national income. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve living standards for employees, so if the cigarette factory closed down workers can be employed in other establishments that are more creative and bring in foreign exchange.
  5. Most smokers will usually invite other people who do not smoke to smoke to feel the same suffering with it, that is trapped in an evil addiction cigarette smoke. Most smokers are in a more deliberately smoking in public places for the exhaled cigarette smoke can be inhaled to others, so that others will get cancer.
  6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an unlawful object or item that must be avoided and shunned as far as possible. Ulema or religious scholars who smoke may have different perceptions in this regard.


    So it can be concluded that smoking is an activity undertaken stupid humans who sacrifice money, health, social life, reward, positive perceptions, and so forth. So be grateful if you do not smoke, because you are a smart / clever.

    When someone offers a cigarette then starting with the good. Feeling kasihanlah in those who smoke. Do not listen to those who think you are lower than they otherwise follow-up smoking. because in the hearts and minds of those who are sane they want to quit smoking.